Thursday, October 23, 2008

Too Many Minor Fiascos for One Evening

Here is a list of things that happened tonight.
- Mr.LL broke a glass in the sink (an omen of things to come)
- The tenants turned on the heat for the first time. About 20 minutes later there was a mini waterfall coming through one of our recessed kitchen light fixtures. It was one of those delayed-reaction moments, something like:
"what's that noise, do you hear that?"
"huh? It's nothing, its just the radiators hissing"
"Wait, no.. that sounds like dripping.."
"what the---"
"OH my.. &@$!!&$#@!!!!!!!!"

We dashed upstairs to find the leak... it was leaking profusely from the radiator side of the connection between the radiator and the steam valve stem. I sprinted downstairs for a towel and pipe wrenches to find that the dogs had gotten into the dogfood cabinet and were gorging from the bag of spilled dogfood on the floor.
- Back upstairs, in the process of attempting to tighten the leaking connection, we sheared off the radiator threads, breaking the connection completely. luckily by this time most of the (additional) leaking water had drained out and been caught into the bath towel. We were able to shut off the steam valve and call the plumber for a visit tomorrow.
- Nevertheless, the kitchen ceiling has surely sustained some water damage. the only saving grace may be that the water mostly ran out through the light instead of collecting in the ceiling. Time will tell. I've got a fan blowing on the wet spot and hoping for the best. I don't want to jinx it by saying it could have been a lot....but, you know.
- After recovering from that incident and settling down to a glass of wine, the SNL primetime special and a nail-filling/trim painting session, I proceeded to knock the cable box, along with my glass of wine (white- a minor blessing) onto the floor. Not breaking the glass, mind you, but in fact breaking the cable box.

- yes, thanks I'll take yet another glass of wine.. this one in a sippy cup please.

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