we cashed out all of our savings and put a deposit on a new (2005) Outback to replace our 99 Saturn RIP (YAY!!- ooooh -heated seats, CD player, working AC and heat, working radio, working engine.. these are some of the luxuries we are now reveling in)
AM Maggie was throwing up with blood in it. Since by some strange coincidence we already had a vet check up/shots appointment for the other 3 critters, we dragged her along too, in the disgusting Saturn, which was simultaneously overheating and burning oil due to a crack in the head. After $800 worth of veterinary care, we drove home to drop off the monsters. Then, drove straight back to the Subaru dealer to trade in the junker and take home our new Ru. We literally high-fived each other as the Saturn rolled into the lot, spewing smoke.. we were terrified it would give up the ghost en route on her farewell voyage. Phew.
On the way home with the Ru, got a call from the vet- she wanted another round of bloodwork for Maggie before the end of the day. Kidney values out of whack. SO within one hour of owning the vehicle, our first passenger puked up in the back seat. So much for that new car smell.
was spent either at or in transit between home and the animal hospital emergency care. Monday took a financial toll and an even bigger emotional toll. The hospital vet wanted to keep Mags overnight and do a kidney biopsy (a quite risky and very expensive procedure). Since she had not vomited in 24 hrs I convinced them to let me take her home and to wait and see what the test results showed. we were sent home with 2 antibiotics and lots of fear for what the tests might show (kidney disease- glomerunephritis- was the tentative diagnosis)
I was doing field work in the rain all day. Day 2 in the Ryan family for the new 'Ru and she was already packed to the gills with equipment, and driven over sand hills, rutted roads, along power lines, and through giant lakes of stormwater. Seriously, if there was a flaw with this car I would have found it. I LOVE OUR CAR. (its now in NJ with Mr.LL... so week one and I think we put close to 1000miles on that thing). Maggie seemed to be doing ok but not great.. no more vomiting.. and the tests showed very high levels of lyme disease indication..with other results pending..she couldnt jump up on the bed or the couch and she seemed unhappy. But - she was eating and drinking and doing her business.. so she was less sick than over the weekend.
I worked from home for part of the day to keep an eye on Magster..she seemed a little better than the night before. By evening, she was barking at passersby and following me around the kitchen- very good signs.
Another crazy long day in the field for me, and another long day at the crappy construction site for Mr. LL.
Maggie is like a whole new dog! We think the meds are really working their magic..seems like it might be lyme caused or something.. talked with our regular vet and she said to come in Saturday for more blood/urine work before deciding about the biopsy.
Lots of running around for work in the AM. And then...
I start getting weird phone calls..Some creep STOLE MY ATM CARD # and was running around ordering gold chains from Fortunoff and making charges to FedEx!!
Freaky. I still have my card, so they got the # somehow.. It *appears* that a major disaster was narrowly averted.. thanks primarily to the kind soul at Fortunoff in Long Island who called me to verify the $688 purchase when she couldnt get a signature verification. So, she SAVED ME because then I knew which card to have canceled.
After several hours on the phone, I had canceled the ATM card, checked my credit report via Experian and placed a fraud alert on it, spoke with FedEx and got the fraudulent account closed, and filed a report with Boston police. I also checked on my credit cards and no strange activity there. So far, it appears that none of the bogus charges actually hit my account.
But GOOD GRIEF.. what a way to end the week.
Maggie to the regular vet for follow up tests.. But she is DOING GREAT! And our vet agreed we probably should not do the biopsy, and just wait and see.
With all that has happened this week, that was the best news of all..
Now I need a stiff drink.
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